I have never been a fan of Weissbiers. The extremely low bitterness (I don’t fancy very sweet, low ABV beers) and the banana esters (banana is not my favorite fruit by far) are what bother me most about this beers.
To be honest, though, I never really paid attention to sampling the many examples of the style that are available in Europe, even on my trips to Bavaria. My bad.
Then, just out of the blue, my fellow BJCP judge Daniele changed the topic of his Pastorianus homebrewing competition. As the name implies, it had historically focused on lagers in previous years. The “2025 edition” will focus entirely on Weissbiers.
Unexpectedly, he invited me to serve as a judge.
I couldn’t show up unprepared. I rushed online and got several classic examples from beershops in Germany. For sharing and future reference, I took some tasting notes and collected them in this post. If I come across a new Weissebier, I’ll update this article.
How about the beer? After all, they’re not that bad. Some are quite good, I have to be honest. Finally, I had a tiny change of heart. Thanks, Daniele.
Some of the beers I bought online are BJCP commercial examples of the style (highlighted in green); some others are just good Weissbier (Daniele gave me advice on brands that I should try).
As summer was coming to a close when I ordered the beers, there are no Weizenbock in the list (for the time being). I have drunk a couple of Vitus and Aventinus in the past, and I did appreciate them (they are less estery and more malty than other Weissbiers).
Anyway, as soon as the bocks are brewed again, I’ll catch up with them as well.
Beers Index
- Gutman / Hefeweizen
- Gutman / Dunkles Hefeweizen
- Gutman / Leichtes Weissbier
- Unertl / Weissbier
- Unertl / Leichte Weisse
- Ayinger / Urweisse (Dunkles Weissbier) BJCP
- Schneider Weisse / Original Weissbier BJCP
- Schneider Weisse / Helle Weisse
- Schneider Weisse / Hopfenweisse
- Weihenstephaner / Hefe Weissebier BJCP
- Weihenstephaner / Hefeweissebier Dunkel BJCP
- Jacob / Naturtrübes Weissebier
Gutman / Hefeweizen
Big white, rocky, and persistent head. The beer has a hazy, gold-yellow hue. Medium intensity aroma with barely perceptible banana undertones and subtle, yet stronger clove phenols with a hint of cumin. Medium-intense lemony esters with a grainy undertone. Lively carbonation. The medium spicy/clovey phenols and lingering fresh bread loaf character temper the intensity of the banana esters as they develop a bit stronger on the palate. There is minimal bitterness and a hint of sweetness at the end. The aftertaste has hints of cream and light vanilla. Clean and very well balanced.
Gutman / Dunkles Hefeweizen
Big, billowy off-white head. The beer color is light brown, with perfect haziness when poured with the yeast sediment. Medium-intensity nutmeg-like phenols with a subtle fruity (banana and pear) character. Mid-malt with a touch of dark bread, toasted bread crust, and a subtle hint of dried fruit, like raisins and dates. Low biterness and light body. Subtle banana flavor with a little toasted finish. Mid-high carbonation. Very well-balanced, with a hint of fruitiness and a subtle, alluring toastiness.
Unertl / Weissbier
It pours with a large head that is billowy and fluffy. Though only labeled as a Weissbier, it has a rich amber hue that borders on copper, which is characteristic of a Dunkles Weissbier. Quite clear appearance. The malt is prominent and has toasted flavors resembling pretzels and toasted bread crust, but the overall aroma is somewhat weak. The banana esters are hardly noticeable, if at all. The phenols have a modest strength and are spicy with a hint of clove. Faint metallic note. On the taste, the malt takes center stage, accompanied by hints of toasted bread crust. Not a hint of banana and very subtle clove. Quite mildly bitter, with a subtle sweetness and a toasted aftertaste. Lively carbonation. Not bad, but a bit underwhelming.
The low strength of the aroma, the metallic note, and the absence of banana esters in this bottle may have been caused by its near proximity to the best before date.
Unertl / Leichte Weisse
It appears more close to a tyipical Weissebier compared to the standard-strength version mentioned above. Deep yellow, light haze. Big, rocky and bellowy head. Very faint aroma of banana and medium-light cloves. With a light, zesty, and refreshing flavor, it is bright and fresh. Easy to drink, light in body but not watery, with a fresh, bready aftertaste. Very effervescent. Mid-light bitterness, balance toward the malts and the esters without being excessively sweet. Clean, bright, and very refreshing.
Schneider Weisse / Original Weissbier
It pours with a big and fluffy foam. Deep amber and hazy. The color is beyond the Weissbier range, almost in Dunkles Weisse territory. The aroma is quite intense, and the balance leans toward the fruity esters. Rich fruity undertones reminiscent of ripe golden apples and ripe pears combine with high notes of banana. Clove notes are subtle. Notes of bread crumble and crust with a low malt breadiness. It is really creamy and soft on the palate. The malt and fruity aromas combine to create an impression of sweet pie crust and banana bread. There are subtle citrus notes, an orange-like aftertaste, and a hint of vanilla at the end of the sip. It drinks rather well, being dry with a hint of sweetness. Bubbly. Complex and perfectly balanced.
Schneider Weisse / Helle Weiss
It pours with a big, white, and billowy head. Good retention. Deep gold, almost light orange. Hazy when poured with the yeast sediment. Aroma of medium strength, balanced between banana esters and clove phenols. Light bitterness, not overly sweet. The finish is malty, with a cereal and doughy/bready aftertaste. Really velvety mouthfeel. It has a very light acidity and tastes somewhat like a drink with a sprinkle of lemon juice added. A weissbier that is flavorful, straightforward, and easy to drink.
Schneider Weisse / Hopfenweisse
Herbal and grassy hops dominate the aroma (mid-high intensity). Wonderful citrusy aroma of lemon and tangerine. The yeast aroma is low, with faint undertones of spice and pepper. Very mildly fruity, with hints of pear and banana. Quite strong, but not hot, alcohol flavor. The palate has a mid-high grassiness, accompanied by cereal-like malt and honey. Pineapple with a hint of caramel in the aftertaste, which is candy-like. Bitterness is mid-low. Unexpectedly, it tastes more like a hoppy Belgian ale than a Weisse. A really unique example that is si dangerously easy to drink.
Weihenstephaner / Hefe Weissebier
Big, white, and fluffy head. Lively carbonation. Gold-yellow in colour. Haze as expected. Quite high intensity aroma with mid-high clove notes and slightly lighter banana undertones. Low lemony, zesty character. Faint vanilla note in the background. Medium malt with a doughy flavor and hints of bread crumb. Low bitterness. Slightly metallic at the beginnning of the sip, it disapperars quickly. Quite dry with a light sweet aftertaste. Clove and zest make it very refreshing. Perfect example of the style with an overall balance that leans towards the phenols.
Jacob / Naturtrübes Weissebier
It pours with a finely beaded, persistent, white, and fluffy head. When the beer is poured clean, its color is deep golden; when the sediment is added, it turns light amber. Medium intensity aroma with prominent clove/nutmeg and a subtle fruity banana/pear aroma in the background. Light honey with a strong hint of the freshly squeezed lemons aroma. Light on the palate, with bready and doughy malt. The banana esters emerge in the finish, which is soft and midly sweet with a touch of vanilla. Very little bitterness. Medium-low clove flavour. A fantastic representation of the style, with a nice crispness that is both peppery and lemony.
Gutman / Leichtes Weissbier
At first, it’s rather clear, but after adding the yeast sediment to the glass, it becomes appropriately hazy. Deep gold, bordering on light amber. Big fluffy, white foam with excellent retention. With subtle banana and pear esters and a little stronger spicy phenol reminiscent of nutmeg, the nose is very subtle. The scent is lightened with a burst of citrus. Very mild clove. The malt is light as well, with low cereal and doughy undertones. Not watery, yet quite light in body. The aftertaste is doughy, mildly sweet, and has a low level of bitterness. Well-balanced and refreshing. It seems a little underwhelming, but that’s probably because it’s almost past its best before date. Fresh from the source, I have no doubt that this is a fantastic leicht weissbier.
Weihenstephaner / Hefeweissebier Dunkel
Big, light-brown head, fluffy and persistent. Medium cloudiness. Light brown in colour. Light banana and pear esters. Mid-high phenols with apparent notes of cloves. Low malt intensity with hints of bread crust, toasted breadcrumbs, and a final touch of caramel. The fruitiness gets more intense in the aftertaste, with notes of mid-ripe pear. It has a toasted malt undertone and a mid-sweet finish. A beer with an interesting aroma and a fresh, bright character. A bit more depth and intensity might be added to the malt backbone. Not thrilling, but pleasant.
Ayinger / Urweisse
Large, fine-bubbled, off-white head. Amber in color, the beer seems lighter than the style’s bottom limit (light copper). Hazy, as the style demands. Mid-high esters of mid-ripe bananas with a faint phenolic undertone (allspice and very low clove). The malt has a hint of caramel biscuits and is doughy and faintly toasted. Mid-high carbonation. The aftertaste has subtle notes of bread crust and toasted bread crumbs, with a low level of bitterness and a mid-sweet finish. It is somewhat over the style range at 5.8% ABV, but it has no alcoholic warmth. It is supposed to be a classic example of a Dunkles Weisse, but it feels a bit low on the malt side. The ripe banana aroma is not a favourite of mine. Pleasant, but not my favourite. Also, I don’t think it is the best example of the style.
Ciao Frank, cosa ne pensi in termini di classifica.. al di la che non è il tuo stile, quella che ti ha convinto di più come equilibrio?
Non saprei. Jacob mi è forse rimasta più impressa. Per gusto personale, però, mi è piaciuta di più la meno weisse tra le weisse: la hopfen weisse di Schneider 🙂