Home Homebrew To Style / A living book of beer recipes

Homebrew To Style / A living book of beer recipes

Why this book

One of the first beer books I purchased was “Brewing Classic Styles” by Jamil Zainasheff and John Palmer. Even if it is a little out of date, it is still the best beer recipe book available. When I am thinking about a new recipe, I always go back to this book.

Why? Because Palmer and Zainasheff did not write a trivial list of ingredients. They wrote something personal. They narrate stories about styles, beer, and homebrewing. Needless to say, the recipes are solid. And they cover all the BJCP styles.

I have always wanted to do something like that with the recipes I regularly publish on this blog.

That is why I decided to release this handbook. I finally have a few tested recipes, but not yet enough to cover the entire BJCP as Jamil and John did. I then took a slightly different route.

A living book of recipes

Instead of waiting another ten or more years of homebrewing to experiment with new recipes, wrap them up, and look for a publisher, I am releasing this e-book by myself. It will begin with only a few recipes, but I will constantly add more as I fine-tune them.

It is a living book. I’m not sure if I will have covered every style of beer at the end of this project (probably not), but I think I will have experimented with at least the most popular ones. We shall see.

In the book, I always provide context for every recipe. I explain why I chose specific ingredients, what else I could have done, and how I envision the beer style (which is typically quite similar to the BJCP vision).

Every time I add a new recipe, I will make it readily apparent in the book index. You may download the latest book PDF at the following link:

Index Of Content

As of 12 January 2025